Our own mortal soul, be-fooled..
by our own thoughts and aspirations, shrouded in gloom..
Perfection so unattainable with the battle
of whether the mind or the heart is to rule..
A quiet soul often presumed to be taciturn,-
an amiable one being loquacious..
No matter how good you may be or pretend to be so,
what unfurls is all-the good, bad, ugly and worse
With the gift of the gab comes the loud mouth,
with pride comes the ego,
With patience comes laziness,
None of the vices the virtue can forego..
Acceptance of this human life's playful pert,
is what we can do first,
If life were to be in constant mirth..
what would be a smile, a tear, a kiss and a hug's worth?
nice insight piggu... i never thought u were dis serious kinds....he he he but i like ur suggestions in the last para...
@Deboo who calls herself ME! yes when I think about life and human behaviour I pen it down and now blog it.. thanks fr reading the post:)
hey snigi...
beautifully written... i specifically like the third para...
@Ani- thank u.. yes the third para my own favorite! hehe wish i cud add more of vices and virtues!
' with pride comes the ego '
the most relistic line and indeed a lovely thought once again snigs..
Snigdha... How u feelin? kya ho gaya yaar tujh ko... ye sab kya hai??? abhi umar nahi hui hai ye sab likhne ki..go watch Andaaz apna apna...btw..."if life were to be a constant mirth,what would be a smile,a tear,a hug's worth"...Awesome...Brilliant!!
hey snigy...... good good... i remember that one too... daughter of an infanteer!!! ... ring any bells.....:)
@RASHMI,bANWAS AND VARUN!! Great to see school friends on my blog!!
Thank u fr all d appreciation... Rasmus u remember my fav self composed poem..love you!! Varun..sorry but are u Varun Sharma or Varun Singh??!! I got two frnds!! Banwas has to b banwas nayak.. Thanks al of u..
awesum just simply awesum esp d last line
Thank u shubha! gr8 to c u here! hw hv u been?? anyways...we'l catch up on gtalk!! tc
sorry but which Varun are You..?? Singh or Sharma... Ok so I got a very common name... That really hurt!!Sharma btw... Thought you would recognize by the comment itself!!Still your best poem was about that Joker you wanted to be in IX..(Mrs Lochan or Trilochan, somethin lyk that!!)I hope every one names their daughter Snigdha... so 40 yrs down the line Yours becomes a more Common name than mine.. Then it will be my turn..
Signing Out
Varun Sharma
(Fatehgarh Friend)(Incase you say you have two Varun Sharma's as friends)
@VARUN SHARMA!! HAHAHAHAH...Ab mera shaq yakeen mei nbadal gaya..only u could give such justifications and such a long comment!! And yes I guessed it was u when u said watch andaaz apna apna!! lol... bt i jus wanted to confirm..BTW I did not WANT to be a joker..I jus praised the vocation as it brought happiness to ppl no matter wt d person felt himself... I remember u wrote on a commentator na?
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